2024 texas youth & college division awards

The Texas NAACP Youth & College Division’s Awards are given to Youth Units and Advisors who have displayed exemplary dedication and commitment to the mission and vision of the NAACP.

The purpose of the Texas NAACP Y&C awards competition is to recognize and reward exemplary youth activism in the civil rights arena. Each applicant is asked to demonstrate their level of activity, accomplishments and honors received.


For a Unit to qualify, the Unit must be in compliance with the National Office. For an Advisor to qualify, their Unit must also be in compliance with the National Office. Compliance is defined as: 1) Unit is in contact with the National Office, 2) Unit has a minimum of 25 youth memberships, 3) Unit’s Annual Year End Financial Report has been received by the National Office, 4) Unit assessments have been paid.

Awards application